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Membership Policy

Afghan Association for Physical Therapy

Membership Policy

Approved by AAPT General Assembly: 25- Dec 2014

Presented to EC: 23 Dec 2014

Presented to Admin Committee:  Dec 2014

Next Evaluation and updating: AAPT Annual Meeting 2016

Purpose and Scoop:

Strengthening of physiotherapy profession

Strengthening sustainable AAPT

Providing facilities for member and potential member

Clarifying AAPT member roles, rights and responsibility


AAPT membership policy is intended to strengthen AAPT and PT profession through facilitating membership.

Criteria for membership:

  1. Physiotherapist
  2. Physiotherapist assistant
  3. Honorary members
  4. Physiotherapy student

With Commitment to AAPT and physiotherapy profession

Procedure for membership admission:

  1. Getting registration form RR, AAPT office or from AAPT website
  2. Filling the registration form
  3. Submitting the registration form along with national identity, educational documents and one recent photo.
  4. Paying of admission fee
  5. Paying the first installment of membership fee
  6. Receiving AAPT ID
  7. Renewing AAPT ID

Types of Membership:

  • Ordinary membership:

Ordinary member are those who have been registered and are paying monthly membership fee.

  • Lifetime membership:

Any ordinary member who has been active member for at least 20 years or he/she is ready to pay 10,000Afs in advance can be lifetime member of AAPT and will receive permanent ID card.


  • Honorary members:

Might be medical or paramedical staff or nonmedical, who provide assistance to the Association and pay membership fee regularly.

  • Student membership:
  • First year Students can register without admission fee but they will pay monthly fee of 50 Afghani.
  • Second year Students can register with 50% of admission fee but they will pay monthly fee of 50 Afghani.
  • Third year Students can register with admission fee and payment of monthly fee of 50 Afghani.
  • Mode of Membership Payment:

Initial admission fee (300 Afghani) will be paid when getting admission.

Annual membership fee is 600 Afghani and is paid in two installments in first and third quarter respectively.

The payment can be in cash or could be transferred to AAPT bank account.

Members are liable to pay their membership fee from the date they fill the admission form.

Rights and Privileges of Members

All members shall have the following rights:

  • All members will have equal rights without any kind of discriminations
  • To attend in general assembly and annual meeting
  • To attend in continue education training paying less than nonmembers.
  • To vote and nominate in AAPT elections except students and honorary members.
  • To have suggestion and objections for AAPT improvement.
  • To send topic for publishing in AAPT magazine
  • To use the abbreviation member of AAPT after their name
  • To receive the AAPT magazine for free
  • To receive membership ID cards
  • Members with extra ordinary achievement will receive appreciation letter and awards.
  • AAPT will cooperate with its members facing professional issues


  • Members accept all professional rules and regulations including code of conduct.
  • Members to be committed for professional promotion and AAPT.
  • Members to pay their membership fee on regular base.
  • Members should be committed for AAPT volunteerism activities.
  • Membership ID will be prepared by IPO and secretary on approval of EC for new members.
  • Membership ID will be prepared by IPO and secretary.
  • Members can collect their new ID from regional representatives after payment of first installment fee.
  • Members will have to submit their expired ID to receive new ID or they have to pay 200 Afghani of fine.
  • Regional representatives are responsible to make sure that members receive their ID at most within a month.
  • Members are responsible for maintenance of their ID.
  • Providing fee receipt to the member and adding in database

Death of AAPT members:

  1. Representative of AAPT will joined funeral ceremony and tills the biography of the late member.
  2. AAPT will inform members about the death of their colleagues and will hold Khatem Quran.
  3. Biography of the late member will be published through AAPT magazine.
  4. AAPT will pay an amount of 20,000 Afghani for the family of the late members who had been a member for at least 10 year.
  5. Upon of the death of its member AAPT will collect 100 Afghanis from its member to support family of the late member.

Termination of membership:

  1. Any member can have their membership terminated if they fail to pay membership fee for 18 months following.
  2. In order to resume membership, they must begin with payment of fees from the time the last payment was due. Members who wish to cease membership must write an official letter to inform the executive committee before they stop paying fees.
  3. Any member who practices Physiotherapy contrary to its professional standards or is found to be negligent or unethical action.
  4. Any member, in the course of their working as a Physiotherapist brings down the reputation of the AAPT and Physiotherapy profession.
  5. Any member who are against AAPT role and regulation.


  • Membership registration form could be received from regional representatives or from AAPT website.

Point of contact:

Mobile: 0700207975


Website: aapt.org.af

Host & Design: HeratHost.af

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