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Meeting Policy

 Afghan Association for Physical Therapy

Meetings Policy

 Approved by AAPT General Assembly: 25- Dec 2014

Presented to EC: 23 Dec 2014

Presented to Admin Committee:  ?? Dec 2014

Next Evaluation and updating: AAPT Annual Meeting 2016



Purpose and scoop: 3

Policy statement. 3

Attendance. 3

Frequency of Meeting. 3

Responsibilities. 4

Chair of Meetings. 4

Meeting folder. 4

Purpose and scoop:

  1. To coordinate and integrate regional activities in order to improve AAPT operations.
  2. To ensure updating of current activities, special requirements and problems in center and regions.
  3. To ensure continuity in activity improvement.
  4. To foster communication among staff and members.
  5. To ensure quality and timely operations
  6. To ensure share decision making.

Policy statement

  1. AAPT shall adopt a policy on AC and EC meeting.


  • All AC and EC members are expected to attend their respective meeting.
  • An attendance sheet will be prepared by secretary and provided at every meeting to be signed by the members.
  • Any members of EC who have been absent for more than two meetings in succession is considered to be resigned from the EC.
  • Any members of AC who have been absent for more than 6 meetings in succession is considered to be resigned from the AC.
  • Member of EC or AC who was absent from the meeting has to automatically accept all decisions made by the meeting.
  • At least each member should attend annual meeting once in three year.
  • Member who cannot attend the meeting is expected to inform either by phone, SMS, email or personally to the secretary at least three days prior to the meeting.
  • Minimum of 75% of members shall be mandatory to hold the meeting. Failure to achieve this will result in automatic cancelation of meeting.

Frequency of Meeting

  • The executive committee must meet at least once a quarter in AAPT office or in regions
  • Admin committee must meet at least once a month in AAPT office.
  • The dates of meetings will be selected by admin committee.
  • It is strongly encouraged that all members attend each meeting, but in exceptional circumstances, there can be a minimum of ten members of EC and three AC members.
  • Annual meeting held once a year in last quarter of each year.


  • AC meeting notification will be sent out by secretary three days in advance. Urgent meetings could be notified one day in advance.
  • EC meeting notification will be sent out by secretary 20 days in advance. Urgent meetings could be notified 5 days in advance.
  • Meeting notifications will be announced through AAPT website by secretary.
  • Secretary will organize the meeting room prior to the meeting.
  • Secretary will collect meeting agendas and disseminate it after being finalized by president.
  • Secretary will attend every meeting to record minutes and file the minutes.
  • Secretary will disseminate the meeting minutes within three day of the meetings.
  • All the meeting notifications must clearly identify the venue, date and time of the meeting.
  • Members must send agenda to the secretary at the latest for AC one day and for EC 5 days before meeting.
  • Secretary will prepare meeting minutes and get it signed by participants.
  • All member should ensure confidentiality of the meetings.

Chair of Meetings

  • AC and EC meeting will be chaired by AAPT president.
  • In absence of president vice president will be chair the meetings

Meeting folder

  • A folder will be maintained by the secretary which will contain the followings:
  • Meeting notifications.
  • Meeting agenda.
  • Minutes(signed by secretary, president and participants)
  • Participant’s attendance sheet.

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